Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Week of School

Finally! I have the blog up and running! Here is a recap of how our first week went:

I had a fun first day of school, and I hope your kids did, too. Today we spent a lot of time talking about how things are going to go in the classroom. We talked about how to sit when we gather on the carpet (criss-cross applesauce...have your child show you if you don't know what this is!), went over a few classroom rules, and talked about the "Sad Chair". The Sad Chair seemed to make an impact on the kids, so I thought I had better explain what it is. The Sad Chair is a designated chair we have in the classroom that a child is asked to sit in if, after a warning, they are not following the classroom rules. It is called the Sad Chair because I feel so sad if they are not getting to participate in what the rest of the class is doing. If a child ever has to visit our Sad Chair, it is up to them to decide when they are ready to follow the classroom rules and come and participate. So far our Sad Chair has remained vacant!

We also worked on some projects on our first day. We read the book "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?" and started our own Brown Bear books. We also started our "All About Me" books, which we will finish on Thursday.

I hope everyone had a good first day of school. As always, if you have any questions please let me know! See you on Thursday!

We were busy today! We started learning our "Days of the Week" song, went for a circle walk (in the backyard) to look for circles, made flowers out of circle cut-outs, finished out "All About Me" books, and made picture puzzles! We also worked on some pre-writing skills, started learning the Pledge of Allegience, and worked on counting. No wonder the kids were tired at the end of the day! I hope the kids had a great week and are excited to be in school.

Here are some pictures from the A.M. Class:

P.M. Class Pictures:

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that you created this blog so that we can see all the fun things they are doing!!:)
